I saw this over attoday and couldn't help but repost this. Love the lines on this one and how they're now running with an under seat exhaust and mono-shock.
I saw this over at 8negro today and couldn't help but repost this. Love the lines on this one and how they're now running with anunder seatexhaust and mono-shock.
Mono can be hit an miss sometimes, especially when i comes to things like sound, saturated fats and eyebrows. Agro and Frida were the only two people that I know that have managed to rock a mono eyebrow known as the monobrow. But the mono on this CB750 makes all the difference.
The paint job is nothing new with CRDoriginallyusing the 2 toned horizontal masking on the tank. It still looks great though.
Steel Bent Customs sure produce some nice work.
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