If you see this bike in your rear view mirror you may mistake it for a small capacity cafe racer. You would be right, but this would definitely be a case where objects may appear larger than what they are.
If you see this bike in your rear view mirror you may mistake it for a small capacity cafe racer. You would be right, but this woulddefinitelybe a case where objects may appear larger than what they are. This bike is small and when I say small, I mean 50cc small. Enough power to get you up to the local speed limit, tucked in, down hill, teeth clenched, wearing a full body lycra suit and a tear drop helmet.
Photographer Lorenz Richard states that it may be the smallest cafe racer in the world, and has done a great job in capturing the level of detail in the build, and making it look larger than the stated 50cc capacity.
The build iteself was created by Young Guns Speedshop in Rapperswil, Switzerland. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find to much other info on the build or builder but if this is anything to go by I can't wait to see what else they come up with.
You can see more of Lorenz Richard's photography workhere
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