September 28, 2010

XS250 Motorcycle Build Diary - Battery Box

Yep that's right it's what the label says but without the chickens, although I just ate a whole roasted chicken for dinner and am now contemplating laying an egg.Since we decided to move the electrics under the seat we …We used google sketchup for the first time to draft up the box and once we were happy we printed out the drawing and traced it onto a sheet of Ally and proceded to cut and fold.

XS250 Motorcycle Build Diary - Battery Box

Yep that's right it's what the label says but without the chickens, although I just ate a whole roasted chicken for dinner and am now contemplating laying an egg.

Since we decided to move the electrics under the seat we needed to also relocate the battery to under the seat to clear up the frame triangle. It gives the bike better Feng Shui and also stops potential muggers from hiding behind the bike since you can now see through to the other side.

We used google sketchup for the first time to draft up the box and once we were happy we printed out the drawing and traced it onto a sheet of Ally and proceded to cut and fold.

Here is a shot in sketchup and the final result painted in Epoxy black.

The Battery Cage turned out pretty well considering you probably couldn't even keep a chicken in there anyway.


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