November 5, 2022

How to build a Fixture Table

I've always wanted to get myself a better solution to a fabrication table. It's always been a bit of a chore to get things perfectly square and flat especially when making brackets and frames for other projects. Here's a step-by-step on how to build your own.

How to build a Fixture Table

I've always wanted to get myself a better solution to a fabrication table. It's always been a bit of a chore to get things perfectly square and flat especially when making brackets and frames for other projects.

I picked up this flat flacked DIY fixture table online it comes packaged with a 900 x 600 x 5mm steel top and supports that slot into it. I also bought some castors so the table could easily moved around. The frame was made from 50x50 galvanised SHS which I had picked up from a recycle yard a while back.

I wanted to be able to sit down at the table so I made the final height 780mm high. I also wanted the flexibility to be able to swap the table top if I needed down the track. Which is why I made the top frame as apposed to simply welding the legs to the top.

Parts List

So the entire list of items are apart from the table top:

  • 2 x 850mm - 50 x 50 SHS (Top Frame)
  • 2 x 550mm - 50 x 50 SHS (Top Frame)
  • 4 x 575mm - 50 x 50 SHS (Legs)
  • 2 x 450mm - 50 x 50 SHS (Bottom Frame)
  • 1 x 750mm - 50 x 50 SHS (Bottom Frame)
  • 4 x 100 x 800mm x 5mm flat bar or Castor base plate
  • 16 x m8 x 30mm Bolts for Castors

Part 1 - Assembly

The first part was to get the table top tacked together, everything had been laser cut so things slotted together easily. I'm not sure if it was the transit but the actual top was out by about 1mm from corner to corner. The instructions state that it needs to be assembled on a flat surface so I used a piece of marble and clamped it to that. From there I was able to clamp and tack the support in place.

I didn't clamp the supports down too hard but just enough to firmly hold them in place.

Once everything was clamped I tacked all the corners to the tabletop.

Fixture table build
Slotting the supports into place
Fixture table build support slotted into place
Everything slotted into place

Part 2 - Frame Build

For the frame I used 50 x 50mm gal SHS with a top and 3 lower supports that would let me slide my legs underneath and not have to worry about lifting them over another support.

Being able to use the fixture table to build the frame was easy, so I decided to mitre the top and attach the legs to that.

Once the legs were attached I welded on the supports and the plates for the castors.

DIY Fixture table table legs
Using the cheese cutter to cut the frame legs

DIY Fixture table
Fixture table making it easy to line things up

DIY Fixture table
Clamping everything down before tacking.

DIY Fixture table
Mitres tacked into place

DIY Fixture table
Castor plates attached to the legs

Part 3 - Cleanup and final thoughts

Once everything was in place I cleaned up some of my welds. It's only been a few times using a Tig and it was a great exercise to keep the practice going. I coated all the joints with gal paint a couple of times to stop rust.

I also hit the underside of the table with WD40.

Overall I'm happy with the table, it's solid and movable which will come in handy. Being able to swap the tops out to other surfaces will be handy too along with having a decent flat surface to work on.

DIY Fixture Table
Top is just tacked in place to the frame at the moment.

DIY Fixture Table
Final rolling table


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