November 10, 2011

Legbreaker Strambler is DONE

We've finally finished it and it's running and ready for Roadworthy and Registration.It's so fun to ride, and with a lot of the stock bits and pieces gone it weighs next to nothing.

Legbreaker Strambler is DONE

We've finally finished it and it's running and ready for Roadworthy and Registration.

It's so fun to ride, and with a lot of the stock bits and pieces gone it weighs next to nothing.

The little 2-Stroke has been great to work on, and because we'd never had experience with a two stroke before we learnt a few new things. Such as which beer tastes better with a nostril full of 2 stroke smoke.

Anyway was excited so just took a snap of it on my point and click. Will be getting some better photos soon hopefully get my hands on a grown up camera.


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