June 29, 2015

LSG - Eye Spy Part 2

This Custom BMW **Dnepr **Bobber was found tucked away down some side streets, sitting atop a platform of a post war delipidated building. Not sure if it ran or not but it fitted perfectly into its surrounds amidst the graffiti …I'm not exactly sure of the year or model so correct me if I'm wrong.

LSG - Eye Spy Part 2

This Custom BMWDnepr Bobber was found tucked away down some side streets, sitting atop a platform of a post wardelipidated building. Not sure if it ran or not but it fitted perfectly into its surrounds amidst the graffiti and industrial machinery.

I'm not exactly sure of the year or model so correct me if I'm wrong.

Bobbed BMW R Series Dnepr

Features Include

  • Sportster Tank
  • Aftermarket Tail Light
  • Rear Chop
  • Hand made seat and rear fender



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In stock form the little 2 stroke has it's plastic oil tank mounted to the frame, it fills the large space in the Triangle, and sits behind the side covers. So because we wanted to clean up the frame and …We also started work on fixing up the tank and smoothing out the dents.
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