September 29, 2011

Post Modern Motorcycles

These guys have been around for a while and last time I was in Melbourne I spent half the afternoon looking for their workshop in Fitzroy. Unable to find it I ended up settling for a Pint or two.

Post Modern Motorcycles

These guys have been around for a while and last time I was in Melbourne I spent half the afternoon looking for their workshop in Fitzroy. Unable to find it I ended up settling for a Pint or two.

What I didn't realise that Merrick Watts is the silent partner in the joint venture. Their vision with PMM is to creation a so called "Sheep in Wolfs Clothing" using the bullet proof CT110 Postie Bike. For those of you that aren't from Australia, Merrick was most recognisable as the radio host on Tripple J a few years back. After leaving he went on to other more commercial stations.

One thing that I like are the names given to each bike. Each playing on the Honda's history in Australia as a Postal services vehicle with names such as Junk Mail and Dear John.

Their creations are interesting andcertainlyappeal to the innercity market, with their low cc and higher price range. I would see them as being a competitor with the Vespa crowd putting from one inner city cafe to another.

You can read about them here

[Images take from the PMM website]


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