The seat build for the Tonka build has come to an end with the leather work completed this week.The construction was fairly simple with a fibreglass base with steel locators glassed into the base.
The seat build for the Tonka build has come to an end with the leather work completed this week.
The construction was fairly simple with a fibreglass base with steel locators glassed into the base. The base consisted of 6 layers of woven mat with a polyester resin which should hold up to any big boned riders.
I then picked up a block of high density foam which I attached to the base with some contact adhesive and continued to shape it with a hack saw blade until the rough shape was completed. After that it was a flap disc on the angle grinder to smooth out all the bumps.
Sourcing some leather was fun as there were so many options but the client wanted somewhat of a tanned antique look. I found something suitable out west and up getting a full hide which I'll be able to get a couple more seats out of.
It follows the lines of the tank and frame and the vintage leather will age nicely over time.
Now to get it on the road!
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