May 16, 2011

The Black Falcon

Video from LA Times sweeping across the interwebs and for good reason. I wonder how much this beauty would be worth, considering 5 guys were working non-stop for a year to create it? "The Black Falcon is the third motorcycle ….

The Black Falcon

Video from LA Times sweeping across the interwebs and for good reason. I wonder how much this beauty would be worth,considering 5 guys were working non-stop for a year to create it?

"The Black Falcon is the third motorcycle in the Concept 10 series from LA-based Falcon Motorcycles. Built off the 1,000 cc V-twin engine of a 1952 Vincent Black Shadow, the Black Falcon took a year to build. Almost everything, except the engine, is handmade. The Black Falcon is the third motorcycle in the Concept 10 series from LA-based Falcon Motorcycles. Built off the 1,000 cc V-twin engine of a 1952 Vincent Black Shadow, the Black Falcon took a year to build. Almost everything, except the engine, is handmade."



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I've built a couple of things out of Bamboo such as a blow dart, and a spear to hunt , but never a tail section for a Custom. This guy built one one strand of bamboo at a time, laminating, …I've no doubt that he won't have a problem with strength as bamboo is the equivalent of natures carbon fibre.
Hook Motors


Having a browse over at thesite I noticed that they now have a new dealer for their wares in Italy by the name of Hook Motors.Hook Motors could be described as motorcycle company that creates a juxtaposition between …Along with a flash website, they have some nice prints and a couple of classic bikes for sale.
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