January 24, 2013

Vintage GN125

Another custom shop in Japan called MOTOR ROCK are responsible for this fantastic little GN125 Custom.From the looks of things the engine seems to be the only original piece remaining from the stock bike.

Vintage GN125

Another custom shop in Japan called MOTOR ROCK are responsible for this fantastic little GN125 Custom.

From the looks of things the engine seems to be the only original piece remaining from the stock bike. The lines of the bike certainly give it the vintage feel especially with the springer front end and boardtrackesque tyres.

Everything is in its right place, nicely worked proportions make this little 125 appear larger than it is.

Check out more of their work here


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These guys have been around for a while and last time I was in Melbourne I spent half the afternoon looking for their workshop in Fitzroy. Unable to find it I ended up settling for a Pint or two.
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